Telpo in Africa: Break down Barriers of Digital Payments by Android POS

Africa is a vigorous and essential market for Telpo. In the past decade, the digitization of payments is in full swing and Telpo Android POS plays an important role in breaking down barriers to digital payments in Africa.

Telpo_TPS900 used in Nigeria 2

Payment landscape in Africa

  1. Uneven growth in digital payment

In recent years, African countries have made positive progress in digital transformation and shown signs of accelerating development. However, since the African continent is so vast and varied, the digitalization of payment is uneven among the 60 countries and regions in Africa. Most urban areas have established highly-developed payment infrastructures while many people in rural regions are still using cash to make transactions.

  • Cash payments remain attractive

Though the African payment market shows a long-term trend toward digital payments, cash payment still accounts for a large proportion. According to the data, 90% of transactions are still made through cash in Africa. At the same time, the proportion of card payments and digital wallet payments is expanding rapidly.

  • Great potential for financial inclusion

There is a big gap in Africa’s payment infrastructure and the potential in financial inclusion for this continent. There is still a gap to fill by financial payment terminals like EFT POS, desktop POS terminals, etc.

Telpo TPS900 is an Android POS that has won wide popularity in Africa. It is a mobile payment POS terminal with multiple payment methods and security certifications. The TPS900 has been applied in various aspects to empower breaking down all barriers to payment digitalization in Africa.

How Telpo Android POS terminal empowers Africa’s digital payment?

  1. Banking
  2. KYC

In financial institutions such as banks, trusts, insurance, etc., KYC (Know Your Customer) is necessary when providing services. What it means is to fully understand customers by collecting, verifying, and recording the identity information of customers.


The Telpo TPS900 which supports multiple biometric methods has been applied in many KYC programs when financial institutions open accounts for customers. This mobile POS terminal can offer biometrics methods covering fingerprint, iris and face recognition. It greatly helps confirm the customer’s identity and reduces risk.

  • Mini ATM

Mini ATM or micro ATM refers to the mobile payment POS terminals that bring financial services to the areas without any bank branch. With the capacity of card swiping and receipt printing, the EFT POS terminals bridge the gap between the need and availability of cash requirements in the financial ecosystem.

The TPS900 can offer a wide range of payment methods including credit card chip cards, magnetic stripe cards, NFC, QR codes and e-wallets. Thanks to the Android POS, designated agents can bring the banks to customers and provide them with services like money transfer, deposit or withdraw cash, etc. It makes more people enjoy the convenience of digital payments.

  • Merchants

As more African people accept contactless digital payments, more businesses begin to seek methods to cater to the current payment habits of customers. TPS900, the EFT POS with multiple payment options becomes a good helper for merchants.

This Android mobile POS terminal can be applied in scenarios of retail, catering and so on. Where there is a transaction, the EFT POS TPS900 can play its role. The payment options of TPS900 involve all mainstream payment methods in Africa and customers can flexibly choose the method they favor to pay.

  • Card activation and recharge

The card activation and recharge can take place in many scenarios, like government, public transport, loyalty card processing in retail stores, etc. By virtue of its t-class performance, the TPS900 can guarantee high processing speed and shorten transaction time. It greatly improves efficiency for both institutions and customers.


Digitalization has been deepening in Africa and Telpo EFT POS TPS900 is constantly upgrading to deliver the best experience to users. Welcome to contact us for more details. Let’s empower payment digitalization in Africa together!

Tag: mobile POS, mobile payment POS, Android POS, EFT POS, payment digitalization, Africa

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